If you notice constipation with your baby starting solids, it may be time to look at which foods you're offering. Here are the top foods that could be causing constipation in you little one.

This post has been written and medically reviewed by Kaleigh McMordie, MCN, RDN (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist).
It's completely normal for bowel movements to change once baby goes from exclusive breastmilk or formula to introducing solid foods. Your baby may go a little longer between dirty diapers, or they move even go more! If you notice it's been too long since baby has pooped, the type of food introduced may be the problem. Here are the top foods that may cause constipation in babies starting solids, and how to help baby get relief.
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Signs Baby Is Constipated
When you start solids, baby's digestive system may not be fully mature, especially if you start before baby is 6 months old. As a result, new foods may stop baby up a little more than usual, making it difficult to go. While some of this is normal, since the digestive system isn't used to working as hard on solid food, it's not normal for baby to be in pain or to go too long without a dirty diaper. Some signs that baby may be constipated include1:
- Going more than 2 days without pooping - or 2 days more than usual for your baby
- Abdominal pain - baby may be more fussy, have a pained look, or arch his back
- Belly feeling hard
- Straining for longer than usual
- Hard or dry poops
- Decrease in appetite or refusal to eat
- Increased spitting up
Top Foods That Cause Constipation in Babies Starting Solids
While every child is different, there are some foods that are common causes of constipation in babies. Keep in mind that just because a food is mentioned here, doesn't mean that it will cause problems for your little one! Here are some of the more common culprits that can stop baby up in high amounts:
- Bananas (especially ones on the greener side)
- Applesauce
- Cereals such as rice cereal, cheerios, baby cereal, and low fiber breakfast cereals
- White grains such as white bread, pasta, and white rice
- Cheese
- Other dairy products such as yogurt*
*In my experience, yogurt is more beneficial than problematic, but every child is different. You'll likely know if your baby is sensitive to diary prior to starting solids through breastmilk or formula feeding!
What To Do About Baby Constipation
If you notice baby is constipated, observe what he's eating every day and temporarily limit or eliminate the food you think may be causing the problem, especially if baby is eating a lot of that food. You can also introduce foods that help relieve constipation (my favorite is prunes!) and increase water. Gently massaging the belly may also help. If baby still doesn't respond after a couple of days, you may need to contact your physician for more help.
Read More: Foods That Relieve Constipation in Babies Starting Solids
Finally, prevention can be the best medicine! It's important to keep high fiber foods in the diet regularly to promote good digestion and keep things moving along smoothly. A chronic low fiber diet is one of the biggest causes of childhood constipation2. Keeping those healthy foods in the diet not only helps to keep poops normal, but it also nourishes the gut bacteria, which will keep baby's digestive tract and entire body healthy long-term! Just make sure to start slowly and build up over time with high fiber veggies since offering too much at once can cause even more digestive discomfort if your little one's system isn't used to it.
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